Dan Becker's Miniatures Site - 28mm Figures
This section contains articles on painting and collecting 28 and 25 mm figures
for miniatures gaming.
- 2024/08/20 - Painted Monty Python and the Holy Grail 28mm figures
from Hayland Terrain.
- 2024/07/14 - Painted a Dark Ages Norman Army with 28mm figures
from Victrix.
- 2024/04/28 - Painted a Medieval Party with 28mm figures
from Eureka and Mirilton.
- 2024/04/14 - Painted a number of Carthaginian, Numidian, and Iberian 28mm figures
from Victrix and Gripping Beast.
- 2023/12/02 - Played a game of Arthurians versus Goths
using 28mm figures and Osprey's Lion Rampant rules.
- 2023/11/30 - Painted a set of thirty-six Victrix Late Roman Unarmored Infantry 28mm figures
in the style of Arthurians, Goths, and Byzantines.
- 2023/11/16 - Painted a set of thirty-six Victrix Late Roman Archer and Slinger 28mm figures.
More Arthurians, Goths, and Byzantines.
- 2023/10/20 - Painted a set of thirty-six Victrix Late Roman Armored Infantry 28mm figures
in the style of Arthurians, Goths, and Byzantines.
- 2023/10/08 - Painted some 28mm Goth Noble Cavalry figures
from the Gripping Beast Dark Ages plastic line.
- 2023/10/03 - Painted some 28mm Late Roman Light Cavalry figures
from the Gripping Beast Dark Ages plastic line.
- 2023/09/28 - Painted some 28mm Byzantine Horse Archer figures
from Fireforge Games "Deus Vult".
- 2023/09/02 - Painted some 28mm Mexican Mariachis and Civilian figures
from Brigade Games.
- 2023/03/15 - Painted two boxed sets of
Gauls and Republican Romans, 28mm historical miniatures from Victrix Ltd. and Fighting Hedgehog.
- 2023/01/15 - Painted a group of
Dark Ages Welsh, Picts, and Irish, 28mm historical miniatures from Gripping Beast.
- 2022/10/12 - Painted a group of
Orc Infantry, 28mm fantasy figures from Northstar miniatures.
- 2022/06/22 - Painted a group of
Goblin Warg Riders, 28mm fantasy cavalry.
- 2022/06/12 - Painted another group of
More Repaer Bones minis - dragons, apes, yeti, and owl bear.
- 2020/07/07 - Painted a large variety of 28mm American War for Independence
Continental, British, and Hessian infantry miniatures from Warlord Games.
- 2020/03/28 - Painted more American, British, Hessian, and French 28 mm American War for Independence miniatures
from Warlord and Perry miniatures.
- 2019/12/15 - Painted some Warlord Games 28 mm American War for Independence miniatures
for the Black Powder game. Some buildings and bridges also.
- 2019/07/13 - Painted some Warlord Games 28 mm Samurai miniatures
for the Test of Honour game.
- 2019/06/10 - Painted some North Star 28 mm miniatures:
Wizards, Skeletons, and Orcs.
- 2019/05/12 - Made an historical battle article about the American Revolutionary War
Battle of Springfield 1780
using Peter Dennis paper miniatures.
- 2019/02/24 - Painted more Hex Tiles and Felt Mats.
See how to make a hex spray paint template.
- 2019/02/23 - Painted some Perry Horsemen
both light and heavy cavalry from the 15th century.
- 2019/02/22 - Painted some Reaper Bones 28 mm miniatures:
Ogres, dragon, gargoyles, and snakes.
- 2018/12/12 - Painted more North Star 28 mm miniatures:
Dwarves, Elves, Humans, and Animals.
- 2018/10/22 - Painted a few North Star and Osprey 28 mm miniatures
for Frostgrave and Oathmark fantasy battles.
- 2018/09/15 - Painted some hex tiles and scenery
for a 28 mm miniatures battle game.
- 2009/04/02 - Painted a Confederate and a Union army for the American Civil War.
- 2008/09/03 - Painted some Celtic
Warriors and Imperial Roman Legionaries from Warlord Games.
- 2008/07/06 - Created two brief articles with photos of a Viking army and a Saxon army.
- 2007/05/31 - Painted some Gripping Beast King Arthur horsemen for an
Arthurian army.
- 2007/04/01 - Painted some Gripping Beast Viking horsemen for a unit of
Viking cavalry.
- 2006/12/10 - Painted some Gripping Beast villagers and some Black Tree Design
viking bondis.
- 2006/08/13 - Painted a bunch of garden
gnomes, hounds, foxes, and gators.
- 2006/03/12 - Painted Steve Barber Models 25 mm Knights at Tournament scene.
- 2006/02/26 - Painted the Mirliton miniature 28 mm Duke's Banquet scene.
- 2006/01/05 - Painted a 28 mm miniature Medieval Tavern scene from
- 2005/11/23 - Double whammy! Wrote and article on painting and playing the Lord of the Rings
Mines of Moria miniature board strategy battle game.
- 2005/07/10 - Wrote an article with some ideas for rank decorators for miniatures wargaming.
- 2005/07/10 - Added some wonderfully gratuitous panoramic miniature movies.
- 2005/05/30 - Added a battle report of Warhammer Ancient Battles Saxons versus King Arthur.
- 2005/05/29 - Added an article on painting Saxon Huscarls and Thegns.
- 2005/05/08 - Added an article on painting an Arthurian warband.
- 2004/02/13 - Added an article on the painting of Grenadier Book's Seven Years War British
- 2004/11/21 - Added a small article on my German Raider warband.
- 2004/11/01 - Took a few snapshots of my Anglo Saxon Raiders.
- 2004/08/22 - Six Stages
of Drinking as told by the Vikings.
- 2004/01/24 - Lots of 28mm figures and Dark Ages humor are located at the
Hagbard and Hrothgar page.