This article describes making and painting a batch of Perry Miniatures 28mm horse miniatures. These figures are hard polystyrene plastic figures with varying head, weapons, and armor. You can make them bow, crossbow, lance, or sword figures.
Two boxes of 12 horsemen are shown here, the "WR 60 Light Cavalry 1450-1500" which tend to have leather armor and no horse armor and the "WR 40 Mounted Men at Arms 1450-1500" which are the fully armored warriors with lots of horse armor. Although these figures are historical, I will use them in my fantasy skirmish battles whenever I need mounted skirmishers or heavy knights.
There are two photos of each group of miniatures, some galloping to the left and others galloping to the right. I use these photos as reference photos when I do not have miniatures handy to jog my memory. Click on the photos below to see a gallery of larger images.
Here are three mounted light horsemen galloping left. These figures are armed with crossbows.
The color and symbol on the coats are that of the Holy Roman Empire. This box of figures has a nice instruction sheet that has many coat liveries and banner examples.
Here are the same three mounted light horsemen galloping right. The bases are "pill shaped" bases, 20 by 40 by 1.5 mm, by Litko Game Accessories. To hide the horse's plastic base, some Liquitex texture gel is applied to the base. When dry the gel is painted medium brown. Then I blow some static grass from Woodland Scenics. The tufts of grass are pre-made from the Army Painter company.
Here are three mounted light horsemen galloping left. These figures have long bows.
The green and white with the red Xs are from Burgundy.
Here are the same three mounted light horsemen galloping right. The dude on the right has his bow in a linen sack. The horse has one plate of armor called a chamfron on his head.
Here are three mounted light horsemen galloping left. These figures have lances.
The yellow coat with the red lion is another Holy Roman Empire livery.
Here are the same three mounted light horsemen galloping right.
The hats are called mazzocchios. They are colored cloths stuffed with rags. Mostly Italians wore these.
Here are three mounted light horsemen galloping left. These figures have broadswords.
Here are the same three mounted light horsemen galloping right. The blue with the white cross livery is from France.
Here are three mounted heavy horsemen galloping left.
These are heavily armored fighters call "Men at Arms". These three figure have ax, hammer, and mace weapons.
Here are the same three mounted heavy horsemen galloping right. According to the Perry instructions, this chunky horse armor is of the Italian style.
Here are three mounted heavy horsemen galloping left. These figures also have ax, mace, and hammer weapons.
Here are the same three mounted heavy horsemen galloping right. According to the Perry instructions, this fluted horse armor is of the German style.
Here are three mounted heavy horsemen galloping left. These figures have long lances. I love the heavy helmets. How did these warriors see what was going on in a melee?
Here are the same three mounted heavy horsemen galloping right. I love the plumes on both the horses and the riders. This group of three has the Italian style horse armor.
Here are three mounted heavy horsemen galloping left. These figures have large broad swords.
Here are the same three mounted heavy horsemen galloping right. The horses have the fluted German style armor.
Thanks for reading about my Perry Miniatures 28 mm horse miniatures.
Coming up soon, some terrain and a battle report using these figures.
Thanks again.