This article describes Late Roman Archers and Slingers figures from the Victrix Dark Ages historical line. The 28mm figures are suitable for use as displays, painting hobbies, and table top wargaming. I intend to use them with the big skirmish game from Osprey Publishing Lion Rampant.
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Since the time period is post Dark Ages and early Middle Ages, I tried to make the archers and slingers a bit more uniform. The warriors would have been funded and supplied by the emporor. The tan tunics with the fancy slings and hats on the left are the Byzantines, The white tunics with lots of capes and shawls in the center are Arthrians. The green tunics with big beards and hair on the right are the Goths.
Some of the slings have a big iron dart. I bet receiving a hit from these missiles would be debilitating.
As with the last few sets of miniatures, I based coated these with black primer, then white primer from above, and a bit of white dry-brushing. This performs a fast highlighting and shading for the next step.
Then I block in the main color areas of the figure with Armypainter Speedpaint. Because the Speedpaint is semi-transparent (like an ink), the highlights and shades poke through the paint. Then I fill in details with regular Armypainter Warpaints.
The shields are made with designs from Little Big Men Studios. By far these are the best shield and banner designs for 28mm figures.
All the warriors have white tunics. To get a little color variation, I used 4 colors of brown to vary the belts, straps, and quivers.
Rather than just count off all permutations of 4 colors A, B, C, and D, I used Heap's Algorithm to come up with the best variation. This way you don't have color A slowly cycle while color D rapidly alternates. Here you see the third and fourth rows include all the colors and change rapidly.
aaaaaabbbbbbccccccdddddd bbccddddccaaaabbddccbbaa cddbbccaaddcbddaabbaaccb dcbdcbacdacddbadbaabcabc
These figures have Christian religious motifs on their shields such as the Greek letters Chi (Χχ), Rho (Ρρ), Alpha (Αα), and Omega (Ωω). Chi and Rho are the shorthand abbreviation for "Christo" and Alpha and Omega refer to the verse by Jesus symbolizing that he is the beginning and the end.
St. Augustine came to Britain in 597 and helped spread Christianity there.
Victrix calls them Goths, but they could be any of the "Germanic" kingdoms from this era: Suebi, Allemanni, Burgundians, Lombardies, etc.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the details of these figures and the photographs. These figures were enjoyable to build, and I will certainly be expanding my Dark Ages and early Middle Ages figure collection. Thanks for reading about my latest miniature figures.