To the right is a photograph of the box contents.The game comes with nine 25 mm figures for the Fellowship of the Ring (Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas,and 4 hobbits), 24 Mines of Moria goblins (with blades, spears, and bows), andone giant cave troll.Note that these figures are 25 mm and not the 28 mm figures that are more popular today.The game also comes with some cool terrain, including some pillars, the tomb of Balin, a reinforced door,some ruins, a rules booklet, and an introductory magazine.
I beefed up my game by filling the pillars with plaster to make them heavier.I painted some foam insulation with granite textured paint to make thick walls.I made a 42 by 28 cm (16 by 11 inch) cardboard game board that just fits in the box. This toowas sprayed with gray granite textured paint.I redid the plastic metric measuring pointers with wooden ones shown at right with red and green one inch stripes.And I chopped up the gray plastic sprues and glued them to a sheet plastic base to makefour more brick rubble piles.Additionally I had to glue a heavy fender washer to the base of the troll to help keep him from falling over.
I decided to use speed painting techniques.Thus, these guys are primed in black,with very few colors drybrushed over the black.There is no highlighting other than what you get by drybrushing andleaving some black shadows along the edges.The base is done very simply with some Woodland Scenicsblack coal ballast (used for model train layouts) drybrushed with some medium gray.Done! Blast them with Krylon Matte Varnish and off to the next group.
Most of the scenery in Moria is done by priming black, drybrushing with medium gray,and highlighting with a lighter gray.The double door in the back is articulated and can open and close.
The troll is a about 10 pieces of styrene plastic that must be assembled.He leans precariously to the right, so I glued a heavy metal washer inside hisbase to help keep him upright.I like the look of Peter Jackson's trolls. They look somewhat amphibian, somewhat mole-likewith heavy teeth and claws that appear to be used for gnawingsome tunnels in the mines.
Once again these are speed-painted for gaming.Of all my paint jobs here, these are my least favorite. I thinkI was a little too generous with the steel armor.Although I use Vallejo acrylic paints for most of my figures,I use Games Workshop metallics for anything metal.The GW metallics simply are more opaque with many more smaller metal particles.Here I use boltgun metal, which, although it is supposed to be blackened, looks kind of bright and shiny.I should have added more black to make it look even more like wrought iron.Or perhaps I should have gone all black for a more black leather armor look.Oh well, sometimes you have inspired paint sessions, sometimes not.
I hope you enjoyed reading the details of the paintingminiatures from Games Workshop's Mines of Moria strategy board game.More miniatures-related articles are atDan Becker's Miniatures and Models site.Also there is a Mines of Moria Battle Reporton playing one of these games.Thanks for stopping by and reading about my miniatures.