Dan Becker's Miniatures and Models Site - BritanniaFollowing is a preview of a set of miniatures I am painting for a deluxe edition of the board game Britannia by Lewis Pulsipher. The game depicts the military history of Great Britain from the 1st century A.D. until 1066 A.D.. Over 17 civilizations are featured in the game including Belgae, Norse, Romans, Saxons, Welsh, Danes, Anglos, Scots, and Normans. The game has been published by Gibson's Games and Avalon Hill and more information is available at The Board Game Geek. My miniatures version of the game will feature a 4 warrior unit for each of the approximately 196 counters in the game. The population marker will be represented by a unit with a banner. The board will be represented by a full-color, 1.9 by 1.3 meter (6 by 4 foot) map of Ancient Britain (ISBN 031929028X) published by the British Ordnance Survey and available at Stanford's. At the rate I am painting, it will take another 2 years before the game is complete, but what the heck, time is what hobbies are for. This table recommends specific Old Glory 15mm figures to use. Click on photos for links to articles I have written on completed figures. (Dark = completed. Light = started.) Other Britannia-related articles include: