Anglo Saxon Raiders
A small band of Anglo Saxon raiders |
This page describes an Anglo Saxon band for miniatures wargaming.I have taken twelve models from Black Tree Designand painted them for skirmish wargaming usingTod Kershner's Pig Wars rules.My Pillage the Village scenario rules requireexactly twelve figures for raiding an unsuspecting village.
Anglo Saxon Bowmen |
To the right are 4 Anglo Saxon bowmen.These men are ceorls (or karls, carls),"an Anglo Saxon peasant farmer but not as low as a serf. He would have been a tenant with landor a landowner granted from a lord. Under Anglo Saxon law he would therefore be liable forduty in the military ( or fyrd ). Most ceorl's land was taken after the Norman invasion."(Definition from Battle of Hastings site glossary.)For the Pillage the Village game, these men are unarmoredwith bows for ranged combat and a dagger or dirk for melee combat.Morale is average.
The Anglo Saxon Gebur |
To the right are 4 Anglo Saxon geburs,"An Anglo Saxon word for a peasant or ceorl and one step up from a serf.He would be given a yardland ( about 20 acres ) which he would farm to feed his family. The rest would be taken by his lord. All his farm implementsand animals would be returned to his lord on his death."(Definition from Battle of Hastings site glossary.)For the Pillage the Village game, these menare partially armored with spears, swords, axes, or other weapons.Morale is average.
The King and the Dragon of Wessex |
To the right are the Anglo Saxon king,his elite standard bearer with the Dragon of Wessex pennant,and two housecarls (or hus-carls, karls, or ceorls).A housecarl is"a highly trained soldiers primarily used for the protection of the Danish kings. The housecarl was paid by the unpopular tax of danegeld. They existed right up to the Battle of Hastings."(Definition from Battle of Hastings site glossary.)For the Pillage the Village game, these menare fully armored.The king and standard bearer have elite morale.The housecarls have veteran morale.The Dragon was made from parts pirated from Foundy and brass wire for the staff.
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Britannia page
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