This article describes Mexican mariachi and civilian figures in traditional attire from the nineteenth century. The 28mm figures are from Brigade Games (sculpted by Matthew Bickley) for use as displays, and table top wargaming.
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These figures are sold in groups of four.
There is also a Mexican household gear (bg-bhmex65-household-gear) and a tax collector set (bg-bhmex63-tax-collector-set).Sorry about the simple background and bases. I painted photographed these while away on vacation and did not have access to my usual modeling materials.
These figures are painted with Army Painter Speedpaints which are acrylic inks that are more saturated in the low levels of the model and less saturated on the high levels. Then the details of the model are highlighted with standard model acyrlics such as Army Painter Warpaints.
The bases are metallic flat washers with some spackle texture on them to hide the mini bases. I did not have some of the rather nice molded bases, so I painted these to resemble terra cotta tile.
Thanks for reading about my latest miniature figures. I hope you enjoyed seeing the details of these figures and the photographs.