The models come in PDF (Adobe portable document format) files that you canprint, cut out, fold and paste together.Each file has 4 to 8 pages, usually 2 mof which are assembly instructions.Print the files on heavy card stock such as 110 lb paper,which is similar in heft to index cards.As shown here, you can mount them on bases, add some grass,and use them with all sorts of miniature wargames.Because the PDF files use vector graphics, the files scale to10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 28mm and other popular wargaming scales withlittle pixelation or loss of detail.The cavalry figures in the photo are 6 mm Carthaginians from Baccus.
This photo shows about half of the Rural Village Set 1.It took about 4 hours to cut and assemble the models,and about 4 hours to make and paint the bases with the static grass and bushes.Although the Roman Seas site mentions many construction tools and techniques,I got by with scissors, a pointed razor knife, and some tacky craft glue (a.k.a PVA or white glue).As with many paper models, you have many lines that you have to score and fold.Scoring is when you gently cut about half way through the paper so it bends easily butdoes not come apart.I sprayed my models with clear matte paint to protect the computer printed artworkand to hold everything together.
Although I show only the Rural Village here, I intended to build someof the wonderful barracks, villas, and stables for a Roman city.I do not play many naval miniature wargames, but I have alwayswanted to build a model of a Roman mile fort or fort atHadrian's Wall.
More miniatures-related articles are atDan Becker's Miniatures and Models siteor theMiniature Terrain pages.Thanks for stopping by and reading about my miniatures.