Dan Becker's GHQ Terrain for Commands and Colors Ancients by Richard Borg
Overview of Lake Trasimenus board |
Here's a few more quick preview photos of theGHQ Terrain Maker board Iam making for Richard Borg's board gameCommands and Colors Ancients.The miniatures will depict Carthaginian and Republican Roman battles duringthe Punic War, using Baccus 6 mm miniatures.Further photos are available in my first preview articleand my photos of the completed 6mm Carthaginian army.The photo at the right depicts the Lake Trasimenus scenario board set up (with no armies).Click for a larger image.The board is the standard 13 by 9 hex board of the game.Each hex is about 4 inches (10 cm ) across from flat to flat and generally 1/2 inch (13 mm) thick.Lake Trasimenus is the blue water at the bottom left of the board.There is a ridge of impassible mountains on the right one-third of the board.A small like of smaller gentler hills goes from the center to the middle left of the board.All other hexes are plain hexes, which show up as dry grassy fields with a few bushes here and there.
Close up of Lake Trasimenus board |
Here is a close up of Lake Trasimenus.These tiles are made with EnviroTex Liteclear polymer which is available from many art supply stores such as Dick Blick.EnviroTex is great for modelling water in miniature terrain.You mix clear A and B components and pour.It will not eat styrofoam or plastics.You can mix in acrylic paint or ink to get the color water you are looking for.The resin sets in about 30 minutes and completely cures in about 24 hours.This resin can be poured up to 1/3 inch (1 cm) at a time.Other good sites for information on this great game areJohn Foley's CCA site,Board Game Geek's CCA pages,and the Yahoo CCA Vassal group.
Overview of Metaurus board |
Here is an overview of the Metaurus bonus scenario.There are 2 rivers with gentle hill ridges on the right third of the board.There are some hills and some rough areas on the left third of the board.All other hexes are plain hexes, again with my usual rocks and dry grasses.Note that I modelled rough areas with some moveable stands of rocks.This seemed to be easier than dedicated hexes.I am sure follow-on games to Commands and Colors Ancients will have morevaried terrain, so I will make more stands to model other features.
Overview of Metaurus board |
Here is a close up of the two rivers and hills in the Metaurus scenario.I love this section of the board as the Carthaginians havewarrior infantry on the hill.These wild men must ford two rivers and then battle up hill to hit theRoman auxilia.How warrior-like is that?Thanks for visiting and reading about my Commands and Colors Ancients board.If you have a similar set of CCA figures, I would be interested in seeingyour version and the ideas you used to make the game.More miniatures-related articles are atDan Becker's Miniatures and Models site.