Basically, the numbering system is meant to order the sizes of brushes.The system begins at 0. Larger brushes are signified by increasing wholenumber values. Smaller brushes are signified by increasing the number ofzeros. The smaller sizes are often abbreviated with a slash notationending in "/0" and having a whole number for the number of zeros.Hence, the following two ordered ranges are equivalent:
..., 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, ... ..., 3/0, 2/0, 0, 1, 2, ...
There is no standard measurement system that the industry must follow.The comparison of round brushes to other shapes,and the introduction of metric and imperial measurementsmakes these numbers inconsistent between manufacturers.One site states that these measurements are roughly 1/32 of aninch, another site states 1/6 of an inch, and another states 1 mm.This table gives a common summary
Size | Round Size | Flat/Other Size |
5/0 | <<1/64" | <<1/64" |
4/0 | <1/64" | <1/64" |
3/0 | 1/64" | 1/64" |
2/0 | <1/32" | <1/32" |
0 | 1/32" | 1/32" |
1 | 3/64" 2.7mm | 2/32" 5.3mm |
2 | 2/32" 3.1mm | 3/32" 6mm |
3 | 5/64" 4.2mm | 4/32" 6.5mm |
4 | 3/32" 5.5mm | 5/32" 9.2mm |
5 | 7/64" 6.3mm | 11/64" 10.1mm |
6 | 4/32" 7mm | 6/32" 11mm |
Some better suppliers perform their own brush size measurements.Blick Art Materials has somegreat reading material on brush sizes, shapes, and materials at:
Most miniature painters use a variety of brushes.The size of the brush generally determines how much paint you can loadand carry to your miniature, and how much paint is applied tothe miniature - the width and rate of paint application.For 15 and 28 mm miniatures, the brush sizes 000 through 2 are mostlikely the sizes you will use, with perhaps one or two other sizes forpriming and dry brushing and top coating.Be aware that the brush size notation is arcane and inconsistentfrom manufacturer to manufacturer.
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