Dan Becker's Games Site

The Gaming Challenge 2005

Several intrepid and enthusiastic board gamers have set out to play "a game a day" in the year 2005. We all report our games and goad each other to exceed the "dreaded black line", the line that signifies playing one game per day. We all have a fun time watching who played many games during the year. Here is a list of the games played and a graph of the rate at which we played.

Latest Results

\n"; // DEBUG for ( $playeri = 0; $playeri < count( $team ); $playeri++ ) { $parsedTeamPlayerID = $team[ $playeri ]; if ( strlen( $parsedTeamPlayerID ) == 0 ) echo "DEBUG: Warning, playerIDs " . $playerIDs . " has invalid team format.
\n"; // DEBUG else $playerNames[ $parsedTeamPlayerID ] = ""; } // for } // while // echo "DEBUG: There are " . count( $playerNames ) . " unique playerNames.
\n"; // DEBUG // ksort( $playerNames ); // sort by key // printArray( $playerNames ); //DEBUG $sqlNames = "SELECT PlayerNames.playerid AS playerID, PlayerNames.name AS playerName FROM PlayerNames WHERE PlayerNames.playerid in ( "; $playerCount = 0; while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each( $playerNames )) { if ( $playerCount > 0 ) $sqlNames .= ", $key"; else $sqlNames .= "$key"; $playerCount++; } // while $sqlNames .= " )"; // echo "DEBUG: Player names sql=\"$sqlNames\".
\n"; // DEBUG $sqlNamesResults = sqlQuery( $sqlNames, false ); while ( $data = mysql_fetch_array( $sqlNamesResults, MYSQL_ASSOC )) { $playerID = $data[ "playerID" ]; $playerName = $data[ "playerName" ]; $playerNames[ $playerID ] = $playerName; } // while // printArray( $playerNames ); //DEBUG mysql_data_seek( $sqlResults, 0 ); return $playerNames;} // getPlayerNames// Given a seperated list of player ids, returns a list of playernames.// E.g. converts 123+207+93 to Fred, Bill, Wilma// $playerNames is an assoc. array of ids to names, e.g. array( "101" => "Fred" );// Recall that Scores.playerids may have teams, e.g. 113+306+89function getPlayerList( $playerNames, $playerIDs, $idDelim="+", $listDelim=", " ) { $playerList = ""; $team = explode( $idDelim, $playerIDs ); for ( $playeri = 0; $playeri < count( $team ); $playeri++ ) { $parsedTeamPlayerID = $team[ $playeri ]; $playerName = $playerNames[ $parsedTeamPlayerID ]; if ( strlen( $playerName ) == 0 ) $playerName = ""; if ( $playeri > 0 ) $playerList .= $listDelim . $playerName; else $playerList .= $playerName; } // for each player return $playerList;} // getPlayerNames// Check if an Int value is in the array list.function isIntInList( $list, $values, $valuesDelim="+" ) { if ( !isset( $list ) ) return false; $listSize = sizeof( $list ); if ( $listSize == 0 ) return false; $team = explode( $valuesDelim, $values ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( team ); $i++ ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $listSize; $j++ ) { if ( $team[ $i ] == $list[ $j ] ) return true; } } return false;} // isIntInList?>